🌏 🇬🇧 Information about the risks of piercings


Piercing comes with risks, so make sure you are well-rested and have eaten before the procedure. Inform the piercer about medication use, skin problems, allergies, epilepsy, and hypersensitivity reactions. Visit www.veiligtatoeerenenpiercen.nl and check if the studio where you want to get the piercing has a license. This license shows that the studio follows the hygiene guidelines of the National Center for Hygiene and Safety.

There are some conditions where it is not advisable to get a piercing: in places where you have undergone plastic surgery or radiation in the past year, in a place that was pierced less than three months ago, on irritated skin such as bumps, dark moles or swellings, if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and if you are pregnant.

It is also discouraged to get a piercing if you suffer from conditions such as diabetes, hemophilia, chronic skin disease, allergy to piercing materials, immune disorder, and heart and vascular abnormalities. If you have one of these conditions or are using anticoagulants or antibiotics, consult with a doctor first. More background information about these risks can be found at www.veiligtatoeerenenpiercen.nl.

Piercing creates a wound, which increases the risk of infection with bloodborne diseases such as hepatitis B and C. It is therefore essential that the piercer works hygienically to prevent infection and inflammation of your new piercing. Ensure that the skin is clean and disinfected before piercing, that the needle and the piercing are sterilely packed and are not touched with bare hands, and that the piercer is wearing gloves during the procedure. Piercing can be painful, so consult your doctor if you want anesthesia.

Aftercare is crucial as a new piercing is comparable to a deep wound. Poor care and unhygienic treatment can cause wound infections and scar tissue. With good care, it takes 2 to 12 months for the wound to heal. The piercer will give you verbal and written explanations about the aftercare of piercings. Read this carefully. Some people may develop scar tissue after getting a piercing.

During the healing process of a piercing, it is important to consider a few things. Try to touch the piercing as little as possible and do not apply ointment to the wound or disinfectants such as Sterilon® or Betadine®, unless a doctor advises otherwise. Ensure that hairspray, gel, or other products do not come near an ear piercing. Band-aids should only be worn temporarily over the piercing during sports. It is not advisable to wear tight or dirty clothing over the piercing, as well as taking (bubble) baths, swimming in pools, visiting saunas and steam baths. The piercing should never be removed by yourself.

The skin around your piercing can turn red and swell significantly immediately after piercing, this is a normal reaction. However, consult a doctor if you are worried about the healing, if you become ill or get a fever within a few days of getting the piercing, if physical complaints such as itching and redness do not diminish within 48 hours of piercing, if you suddenly get new complaints 24 hours after piercing or the complaints worsen, or if you want to remove the piercing during the healing process, for example due to complaints or signs of migration or rejection.